Registration details

Information concerning walk-in appointments is not available. Please call your clinic for further details.

Opening hours

Holidays: Please check ahead with the clinic before you travel.
Monday9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Friday9:00 AM-5:00 PM

Contact information

PO Box 326, Big Trout Lake, Ontario, P0V 1G0 Tel.: 807-537-2262

Offered services

emergency services
visiting doctors usually 5 days per week through a contract agreement with Independent First Nations Alliance (IFNA) and Anton Meyers Doctors (AMDOCS)
referral to other regional health services
coordination of one-on-one pre-natal care with the community health nurse
allows specialists to remotely examine and prescribe treatments to patients in their home communities
coordinating local and long distance travel arrangements for medical appointments
allows consultations for patients with specialty services such as physio and diabetes
Ontario Telemedicine Network - Provides access to specialized medical care using videoconferencing and other tele-diagnostic equipment
Nursing station providing basic medical and health care services
reduces the need to travel to receive care
advocacy on behalf of individual with other health professionals
provides opportunity for workshops and education sessions for staff and patients


No information currently available.