Registration details

Information concerning walk-in appointments is not available. Please call your clinic for further details.

Opening hours

Holidays: Please check ahead with the clinic before you travel.
Monday8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Tuesday8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Wednesday8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Thursday8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Friday8:00 AM-4:00 PM

Contact information

Upper Core, Grassy Narrows, Ontario, P0X 1B0 Tel.: 807-925-2850

Offered services

Coordinates consultations with visiting professionals including regular Nurse Practitioners and Physiciains
Crisis Intervention
Referrals to appropriate health care providers based on information in the intake assessment
Community is 80 km NE of Kenora at the end of Hwy 671, along the English-Wabigoon river system near the Manitoba border
Coordinates regular foot care sessions with visiting chiropodist
Intake services to determine health care needs of individual
Diabetes Program
Assistance with coordinating local and long distance travel arrangements for medical appointments
Coordination of one-on-one pre-natal care with the community health nurse
Provides services that promote physical and mental health for community members
Provides health awareness, education and prevention workshops and seminars
Identifies and attempts to correct health hazards
Trappers Building - National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program
Advocacy on behalf of individual with other health professionals


No information currently available.